SWYAA Sri Lanka bid farewell to Mr. Janak Bandaranayake

 On 1st March 2019, the Cafe on the Fifth at Colombo echoed with the blessings of Swy Sri Lankan family who gathered to bid farewell to one of the outstanding personalities, Mr Janak Bandaranayake, senior Culture and Information Specialist of Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka. The day was a fiesta devoted to the years spent together with Mr. Bandaranayake who was always a pillar of Nipponmaru journey of Sri Lankans. Mr. Bandaranayake retired from his service in January 2019 after serving the embassy for 33 long years. He was the coordinator for Swy programs from the very beginning. His involvement in Swy varies from selecting the National leader and PYs, receiving the representatives of Cabinet Office of Japan, arranging and guiding Port of Call activities with National Youth Services Council and advising each and every participant to be a good representative of Sri Lanka and to make the program a success. One the other hand, this event was a grand reunion for Swyers of SWY 14, 22

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AGM held on 2nd September

The Annual General Meeting of Ship for World Youth Alumni Association of Sri Lanka was held on 2nd September 2017 at 15:00 hours at National Youth Services Council, Maharagama (NYSC). Representatives from Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka and NYSC were among the gathering. The following office bearers for next 2 fiscal years were selected.
1.      President                                 : Mr. Buddhika Iddamalgoda
2.      Vice President                         : Ms. Bhagya Senaratne
3.      Secretary                                 : Mr. Sachintha Yasaswin
4.      Vice Secretary (Members)       : Ms. Tikiri Pramodi
5.      Vice Secretary (Media)           : Mr. Chamara Nugaliyadda
6.      Editor                                      : Mr. Sasitha Lakmal
7.      Organizer                                : Mr. Dinesh Sameer Kelum
8.      Asst. Organizer                       : Mr. Chamal Randunu
9.      Treasurer                                 : Mr. Sarath Dayananda
10.  Vice Treasurer                         : Mr. Supun Hettiarachchi
11.  Executive Committee members
i.      Ms. Chandrika Janaki
ii.      Ms. Maheshi Kodikara
iii.      Ms. Hasanthi Praharsha
iv.      Mr. Channa Vikum
v.      Mr.Didula Rajapakshe
vi.      Mr.Shashikamal Kodithuwakku
vii.      Mr.Wijayannanda Dahanayaka

Apart from that on the general meeting discussed about the port of call activities of SWY 30 on next February 2018.

Hasanthi Praharsha


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