
Showing posts from September, 2017

SWYAA Sri Lanka bid farewell to Mr. Janak Bandaranayake

 On 1st March 2019, the Cafe on the Fifth at Colombo echoed with the blessings of Swy Sri Lankan family who gathered to bid farewell to one of the outstanding personalities, Mr Janak Bandaranayake, senior Culture and Information Specialist of Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka. The day was a fiesta devoted to the years spent together with Mr. Bandaranayake who was always a pillar of Nipponmaru journey of Sri Lankans. Mr. Bandaranayake retired from his service in January 2019 after serving the embassy for 33 long years. He was the coordinator for Swy programs from the very beginning. His involvement in Swy varies from selecting the National leader and PYs, receiving the representatives of Cabinet Office of Japan, arranging and guiding Port of Call activities with National Youth Services Council and advising each and every participant to be a good representative of Sri Lanka and to make the program a success. One the other hand, this event was a grand reunion for Swyers of SWY 14, 22

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     Sharing the cinematic tales, Japan one of Asia’s leading film making countries, was showcased its’ recently made films, at the Japanese Film Festival in Colombo. The Japanese Film Festival 2017 was held from September 22 to 24 at National Film Corporation Theater. The festival was presented by the embassy of Japan and the Japan Foundation, in collaboration with the National Youth Services Council, National Film Corporation and Ship for World Youth Alumni Association of Sri Lanka. This year’s festival was featured on Japanese rural life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city as well as the natural beauty of Japan. The screened four films had received high acclaims both in Japan and internationally. Admission to the theater was free of charge. The chief guest of the festival was the Minister of finance and media, Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, He emphasized that the Japanese film industry had given a huge impact on Sri Lankan film and stage drama industry. He pointed out the


    On last Friday, 22nd September 2017, by the embassy of japan in collaboration with National Youth Services council & SWYAA Sri Lanka has officially announced the participants of the 30th SWY Program from our country officially.     There was a transparent selective process run by the organizing committee. Chamal Randunu of SWY 27 will lead the team & the selected participants are also well experienced lot when considering their studies & working background.     We hope these young people around the country will make the image of sri lanka brighter & brighter in front of the international youth arena, which they are going to face next year. Moreover, SWYAA-SL and NYSC is planning the training programs for make them more energetic to fulfill their commitment. Our heartiest  benediction will be with them. Lucky (SWY 28)   


          The Japanese film festival will be screen on 22nd September to 24th September at National Film Corporation Theater. For the development of relationship & cultural understanding about Japan, by Japanese Embassy of Sri Lanka presenting the festival in Sri Lanka Freely every year.           Students who study Japanese as a main subject also whoever interested to Japan culture mostly participate to this festival. This time four Films from Japanese Best films will be screening.           The embassy of Japan, Japan Foundation, National Youth Services Council, National Film Corporation Sri Lanka & SWYAA - Sri Lanka Jointly organizing this event. Also, ITN channel supports as the electronic media Partner.  As SWYAA - Sri Lanka we are happy to invite you for come join this awe-full event during the period. By, Lucky (SWY 28)


   72nd session of United nations General Assembly will convene on tomorrow (12th September 2017) at UN headquarters. Delegates representing 192 countries around the world will be participating to the general assembly. The delegates of each an every country have to be present a statement about their own country. About 40 countries have given their chances to youth for giving this statement. Sri Lanka is among those luckiest.      Shehan Koshila Kannangara , a bright delegate of  SWY 28  has been selected as one of the two representative delegates of Sri Lanka for UN GA. He is a young spiritual leader from a middle economical family, far away from Colombo.  He started his successive story as a youth club member and currently is Vice Chairman of National Council, Sri Lanka Federation of youth clubs. In 2012 he has won the 3rd Place of Emerging Young Leader Awards (EYLA) which is conducted by National Youth Services Council. Also he is a final year student of bachelor of Landscap


Due to a low pressure area over the Bay of Bengal, there was a huge rain fall causing heavy floods and landslides in Eastern, Southern and Western parts of Sri Lanka. Many parts of Colombo were also flooded as the water level of Kelani River peaked at 8 feet. beginning Under this situation, my friends of SWY28 expressed their willingness to provide some assistance to the flood-victims. When I discussed the situation with SWYAA-Sri Lanka, they were very enthusiastic to do the project as a Post Program Activity. With thisencouraging commencement, I started to collect donations from my SWY friends. Our friends helped us in numerous ways, so that, I was able to buy 1300 exercise books, Ballpoint pens, pencils and some other stationaries. My next task was to find a proper place to distribute them. By that time, there were hundreds of organizations greatly involved in providing assistance to the flood victims. Fortunately, with the help of one of my friends who is a Member of Provin

SWY 30th Selection Exam

Pics by : Sasitha Lakmal (Lucky - SWY 28)

AGM held on 2nd September

The Annual General Meeting of Ship for World Youth Alumni Association of Sri Lanka was held on 2 nd September 2017 at 15:00 hours at National Youth Services Council, Maharagama (NYSC). Representatives from Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka and NYSC were among the gathering. The following office bearers for next 2 fiscal years were selected. 1.       President                                 : Mr. Buddhika Iddamalgoda 2.       Vice President                         : Ms. Bhagya Senaratne 3.       Secretary                                 : Mr. Sachintha Yasaswin 4.       Vice Secretary (Members)       : Ms. Tikiri Pramodi 5.       Vice Secretary (Media)           : Mr. Chamara Nugaliyadda 6.       Editor                                      : Mr. Sasitha Lakmal 7.       Organizer                                : Mr. Dinesh Sameer Kelum 8.       Asst. Organizer                       : Mr. Chamal Randunu 9.       Treasurer                                 : Mr. Sarath Dayan

SWY 30 Selection Exam

    The competitive public Test to select the participants for Sri Lankan Delegation for Next Generation Global Leaders 30 th Program (SWY30) will be held on 5 th September 2017 at 09:00 hours at the premises of National Youth Services Council, Maharagama. The officials of NYSC will conduct this Test. The members of Ship for World Youth Alumni Association of Sri Lanka (SWYAA-SL) will be the supportive hands for them to supervise it. The representatives from Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka will be there too. The candidates have been asked to bring their National Identity Cards with them. Those who are failed to do so won’t be allowed to sit for the Test. by Hasanthi Praharsha